Your Circumstance
You have a variety of unstructured thoughts about value for your business or your venture – about the value you create, the value you want, and the value customers might seek.
You need some way to sort through these thoughts to land on actionable insight that will move you forward to tangible plans.
Our Talent
We created a deck of cards of value elements to support an activity of structured thinking to reveal a rich perspective of value. There are three different decks of cards for three different perspectives (the language changes depending on the perspective): Business Owner; Customer and Employee.
We can guide individuals or small groups of people through value exchange exploration to catalyse the revelation of actionable insights.
What this looks like
A playful guided coaching session or a workshop with a group of people. We do the Value Exchange Ledger Activity, often followed by the Value Creation Plan Activity using the right deck of cards for the relevant perspective. You walk away with artefacts that provide a visual reminder of what you revealed and want to strategically take action on. There are physical cards you can buy and keep; there are digital cards in a virtual table-top space for use just in an online session.
How to access this service
Start with a 20-min discovery call about your initial questions about value exchange.
Then we will provide you a quote for services for your consideration.
Contact us today to explore how Value Exchange Exploration could quell chaos and quicken your creation of value!