Tag: advice

A close-up image of a young woman peering out of a window through a small gap in the blinds. The woman is resting their chin on the windowsill, gazing outside with a focused expression. The scene is dimly lit, highlighting the woman's face against the soft shadows.

Mastering the art of attention by rethinking your presentation tools

Have you got something to talk about and you want people’s attention? It might be time to revisit your choices in how you present your information, to be sure to get that precious attention. We live in a world of lots of fancy possibilities of tools for communicating – some low-tech like drawing or inking,…
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Photo of two men doing a high-five at a beach silohuetted by a sunset

Working effectively with others in knowledge creation (Part 3)

When I am asked to help others with knowledge creation (in the many forms it might take) or I am seeking help for myself, I take some time to define what kind of contribution is sought and needed. A key consideration is whether the place of contribution is the Develop or Produce phase of knowledge…
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Phone of a person sitting crossed legged in a field of grass, waving their hands in a figure 8 pattern in the air which is generating clouds

A fresh perspective on knowledge creation work (Part 1)

Everybody’s work involves the use of knowledge. Some people’s work involves the creation of knowledge. Sometimes that knowledge is informally created when you verbally share with people about something you know. Sometimes that knowledge (aka content) is formally created into something tangible that will exist when you are not around and will be referenced by…
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